Not all cigar boxes are made the same. Some cigar manufacturers consider them to be true boxes for cigars and then decide to manufacture them themselves, paying the same attention to them as for the manufacture of the cigars themselves, while others prefer to outsource the manufacture of cigar boxes. to focus on their core business of making the cigars themselves.

Now that cigar boxes are required by certain laws in the United States and elsewhere, the question arises of what to do with them once they have been emptied. From the Civil War in America, soldiers made violins to pass the time in encampments, between marches and battles. As the southern United States was ravaged by deep poverty that lasted long after the Depression, so-called "primitive" instruments such as the guitar made from a cigar box became essential to the development of the blues movement. The artists had the skills to compose the music, but not the money to buy the real instruments. They therefore made their instruments with everyday objects.