The matured whiskey decanter has just been taken out as a rather high-concentration raw wine. At this time, it depends on .
The professionalism of the distillery's bartender (Note 3) to formulate the concentration and taste acceptable to the public.
The blended whiskey is filtered again to remove impurities before it can be filled into the bottle. This step is now mostly mechanized.
Note 4: Heart: After the liquor is distilled, the body of the wine is divided into first-stage wine, spirits, and turbid wine.
Among them, there are more residues in the first-stage wine (commonly known as dregs).
It also contains methanol; the turbid wine contains fusel oil, which has a taste of burnt leather. These two parts are not drinkable, so they must be separated. The spirits taken out are the wine core, and the wine core only It accounts for 20% of the overall distillate.